The idea of auditioning can be overwhelming, especially when you don't know what to expect. So, this blog post will tell you all about the auditions with Duston Players. - Auditions take place in the Willow Room at Berrywood Hospital from 7.30pm until around 10.30pm. This is the same room where most of the rehearsals will take place too. - You don't have to memorise anything! Audition pieces can be obtained from the Director/Co-Director so you can read them beforehand, but copies of the pieces will be available on the evening to read from. - When you arrive, you will be asked to tick on a sheet the characters you would like to read for. You can tick as many as you like. - Auditions are done by scene - you will be reading as part of a group, unless your character has a huge monologue! You will be called up to read for each of the roles you ticked on the list earlier, and the director will chop and change people out of the group to see how well people sound together. You may have to read the same piece a number of times. - Depending on if there are any auditions taking place after the main audition day, you may hear straight away if you have the part, or the Directors may need a few days to deliberate. You'll be contacted as soon as a decision is made, and nothing will be announced until everyone has confirmed they want to accept the role they've been offered. And that's about it! If you have any questions, get in touch :) -
Clare Enright-king
24/8/2017 08:46:34 pm
Please send me audition pieces for the Blackadder play
1/9/2017 05:24:29 pm
Robert Adams
1/9/2017 05:25:41 pm
For audition piece Comments are closed.
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